List of products by brand SVELT TRABATTELLI E SCALE
Svelt scale e trabattelli
Trabattelli e scale svelt produzione e vendita In tutto il territorio nazionaleÂ
L azienda da sempre produttore di trabattelli e scale in alluminio opera su tutto il territorio con numerosi punti vendita sparsi su tutta la nazione l' azienta vanta un catalogo vastissimo di prodotti la maggiorparte prodotti. La svelt vanta una qualità dei prodotti offerti e una presenza sul territorio da diversi anni. Tutti i prodotti svelt sono autorizati per la vendita su www.trabattellionline.comÂ
Aluminum staircase REGINA VIP
Professional aluminum ladder with handrail, large non-slip aluminum platform, platform heights from 1.16 to 2.77 m.
Select the steps you need in the window below and compare the overall dimensions with the table below.
Click on "add to cart" to find out the transport costs.
Luxe3 ladder in 3 trunks convertible into support ladder, double and lame - pegs with "comfortable tread".
Select the steps according to the data sheet below
VERA aluminum staircase
Staircase Mod. VERA with foldable aluminum protection rail
Component C For Roller Plus Svelt.
This component allows to increase the dimensions of the Roller Plus S scaffolding
See below for the composition
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Aluminum scaffolding Roller module A Height L. 2.96 mt.
Aluminum roller scaffolding working height mt. 2.96. Base dimensions 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Module A
Aluminum scaffoldig Roller Plus L working height mt. 2.90
Module A Base size 200x105 cm. Worktop 186x80 cm
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks.
Video module A See below for more details.
Castellana aluminum staircase (SVELT)
Aluminum ladder with protection railing and large professional product climbing steps
Bunk staircase Mod. Palco Light
Fixed step ladder and aluminum wheels
Warning: if you choose to add the second handrail from the accessories menu, it must only be inserted starting from the 5-step light stage staircase
Target multifunctional aluminum scaffolding H. 4.50 mt. work
Base overall dimensions 1.86 x 1.00 m.
Staircase with parapet CASTELLANA MAXI
Staircase Mod. Castellana with parapet with larger steps, equipped with oversized platform, in welded extruded ribbed aluminum.
Scaffolding built in light aluminum alloy working heights available from 2.72 to 12.62 m.
Select the height composition from the "COMPOSITION" menu with reference to the da
Aluminum bunk ladder with parapet. The staircase is particularly suitable for corridors or narrow spaces thanks to its ultra-compact dimensions that are only 75 cm wide
Equipped with anti-tip ballast.
Select the steps to know the cost in reference to the measurements in the technical table below.
Bunk staircase Mod. PONTE
Fixed professional ladder, two climbing trunks, oversized wheels and steps
Bunk staircase Mod. PALCO
Fixed aluminum staircase with oversized wheels and steps
Aluminum scaffolding Roller Plus S working height mt. 4.40
Module A + B Base size 160x75 cm.
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks. Video module A
See below for more details.
Aluminum roller scaffolding working height mt. 4.50 footprint dimensions 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Form A + B
Aluminum scaffolding Roller L working height mt. 4:40
Module A + B Base size 200x105 cm.
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks. Video modulo A See below for more details.
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Aluminum Roller scaffolding working height mt. 6 base size 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Module A + B + C
Professional Roller Plus S aluminum scaffolding working height mt. 5.90 Base dimensions 160x75 cm Worktop size 140x60 cm.
Module A + B + C See below for other features
Aluminum scaffolding Roller L working height mt. 5.90
Module A + B + C Base size 200x105 cm. Worktop 186x80 cm
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks.
Video module A See below for more details.