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Aluminum scaffolding "ALTO620" Module 1 + 2 + 3 H. Work 7 mt. Base size 165x82 cm.
Scaffolding with 4 swivel wheels with brake complete with worktops 141x68 cm. 4 stabilizing rods and toeboards, all as shown in the image.
Possibility to lower the height of the scaffolding by subtracting modules 2 and 3 or 9 to move the table lower.
Aluminum scaffolding Mod. "ALTO 205" H. Work 3 mt. Basic dimensions 165x82 cm.
Scaffolding with 4 swivel wheels with brake complete with worktop 141x68 cm. as from image.
Possibility to add extension elements for heights of 5 and 7 meters.
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 4.30 to 10.30
Complete according to UNI EN 1004
Select the working height that best suits your needs in the window below
Aluminum roller scaffolding working height mt. 4.50 footprint dimensions 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Form A + B
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 6:10
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 4:30
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding Roller Plus S working height mt. 4.40
Module A + B Base size 160x75 cm.
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks. Video module A
See below for more details.
Aluminum Roller scaffolding working height mt. 6 base size 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Module A + B + C
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 10:30
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 6.70
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 4.90
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding "ALTO410" Module 1 + 2 H. Work 5 mt. Base size 165x82 cm.
Scaffolding with 4 swivel wheels with brake complete with worktop 141x68 cm. 4 stabilizing rods and toeboard per floor as shown in the image.
Possibility to add extension elements for heights up to 7 m.
Aluminum scaffolding Roller module A Height L. 2.96 mt.
Aluminum roller scaffolding working height mt. 2.96. Base dimensions 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Module A
Aluminum scaffolding Roller L working height mt. 4:40
Module A + B Base size 200x105 cm.
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks. Video modulo A See below for more details.
Scroll down for more info
Professional Roller Plus S aluminum scaffolding working height mt. 5.90 Base dimensions 160x75 cm Worktop size 140x60 cm.
Module A + B + C See below for other features
Main features:
BASE SIZE 73X116 and 73x162 on MITAWER +
Select the height from the drop-down menu.
Aluminum scaffoldig Roller Plus L working height mt. 2.90
Module A Base size 200x105 cm. Worktop 186x80 cm
The maximum of professionalism composed with uprights of diam. 50 mm. and welded aluminum crosspieces with uprights with quick-fit aluminum cast hooks.
Video module A See below for more details.
Aluminum Roller scaffolding working height mt. 8.10. Base dimensions 160x80 cm. Worktop size 140x60 cm
Module A + B + C + D see details and compositions of the scaffolding below ...
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 9.70
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"
Aluminum scaffolding DOGE 65
Scaffolding DOGE 65 dim. Base mt. 0.94x1.69 working height from mt. 7.90
Select the version from the dropdown menu at the bottom "Composition"