Replacement aluminum stabilizer bar for Pinna Clic and Clac scaffolding
Telescopic aluminum stabilizing auction
The adjustable telescopic stabilizer rod is an accessory for aluminum scaffolding models Pinna, Pinna clic, Pinna clic clac, ALLUMET
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Horizontal of conjunction Alumito and Alumito maxi
The horizontal is applied as a conjunction with another upper shoulder and is only indicated for the alumito or alumitomaxi scaffolding of the Facal scale
Spare shoulder with 6 steps
The shoulders are applied as a spare part to the second span of the scaffold "Pinna Clic or Pinna Clic Clac DO NOT APPLY AS EXTENSION
Attention: the cost refers to 1 shoulder and are complete with spring tie rods for the connection with the base shoulders
Basic shoulder with 6 steps Clic and Clac
The shoulders are applied as a spare part to the Pinna Clic Clac scaffolding or as a base shoulder
Aluminum shoulder with 7 steps Pcs 1
The shoulder is applied as a spare part to the click-clack scaffold or to extensions of the click scaffold.
The shoulders are complete with grafts and tie rods
The company does not recommend extension shoulders on a click-clack scaffolding that already has shoulders
Shoulder with 7 steps for scaffolding model ALTO FACAL component shoulder module 2.
Standard base for scaffolding model MAXI TRIS standard version.
Worktop with trapdoor for aluminum scaffolding model ALTO Facal
Worktop only for ALTO Facal model
Worktop with non-slip aluminum / multilayer trapdoor
The worktop with trap door is an accessory for all scaffolding Mod. Pinna, Pinna clic, Pinna clic clac, Allumet
nb all the scaffolding Pinna, Pinna clic, Pinna clic clac, Allumet already have a plan.
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Plus base for Full scaffolding Full with wheels
Outdoor base with the possibility of adding levelers (Optional)
The base includes 2 swivel castors with 125 mm brake and 2 fixed 125 mm wheels